
Guiado Por Voces

Aquí está, Guided by voices para la primera vez en puro español. Mi intento fue a traducir las canciones no palabra por palabra, pero en una manera que preserva como suenan líricamente. Hubo que reducir y extender las silabas en varios lugares para que no saliera como una salada de frutas. Eso requería que yo …

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Battle of the bands

In the red corner, possibly hailing from Akron Ohio I’m pleased to announce THE HUMBARD FAMILY SINGERS. Weighing in at a combined weight of just under 200 pounds these cherubic darlings deliver an overproduced impassioned version of the classic “This Little Light Of Mine” . Susan, Mikey, Suzanna, Missy, Rex the III, and Donna Sue were obviously …

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Public service

One wonders to oneself why one would bother even picking this up. One saw it, sitting there, with the other 5 or 6 similarly themed singles and one felt like, “maybe?.. how entertaining could this possibly be…no…not even for a quarter”. Then one feels in his pocket for change and realizes there is no quarter. …

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Punk, huh

“..we were rockers before we became Christians. We weren’t Christians who then became rockers.” Could’ve fooled me. I was going to save this LP for a post compiling several instances of christian recording artists co-opting various musical genre’s to serve their particular ministry. You know…Stryper for the 80’s hair metal set…Switchfoot butchering 90’s indie/grunge.. Jars …

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